Tag Archives: physical therapy

Preventing Headaches with Physical Therapy

Physical therapy helps people overcome a multitude of problems, but did you know that it can actually help with headaches? Orthopedic care helps individuals with pain all over their bodies, and some people don’t realize that their headaches are caused by other underlying physical ailments. If you suffer from unexplained headaches, physical therapy may be […]

Minimizing the Risks of Summer Injuries

Nice temperatures lead to more physical activity, and while this is a wonderful change, it also causes an increase in summer injuries that require physical therapy. Emergency rooms see an increase of at least 18 percent during the summer. This increase comes in the form of people suffering from fractures, strains, and other injuries. Physical […]

Treating Work Related Injuries with Physical Therapy

When an employee is injured during the course of their normal work duties, that classifies as workman’s compensation, and physical therapy may be needed to help recover from the injury. Although an employee could sustain a variety of injuries in their workplace, the most common type of work related injuries are lower back pain and […]

Protect your Body from the Dangers of Desk Jobs

Approximately 86 percent of Americans work in desk jobs. On average, these people spend about 11 hours of their day sitting. Such a widespread practice may seem harmless, but this is far from true. People who spend this much time sitting are at an increased risk for an incredible number of serious health conditions. At […]

How Important is my Home Exercise Program?

When you enlist the help of a physical therapist they can help you get a handle on your chronic pain, loss of mobility, or other problem. While visiting a physical therapist is certainly the first major step towards a full recovery that alone will not cure you. You will likely receive a series of exercises […]

Weight Loss Through a Physical Therapy Routine

The power of a well-planned and well-defined physical therapy routine can have a large number of effects beyond simply healing a major injury. Proper physical therapy can lead to a body that is stronger overall, better mental health, and even noticeable and healthy weight loss. The process is no longer reserved for those with severe […]

Is My Job High-Risk for an On-the-Job Injury?

Physical injuries can happen at virtually any time, even due to the most everyday, mundane activities. But some people are inherently at more risk than others for injuries simply because of the kind of job they perform. On-the-job injuries can cause severe, long-term consequences, and so if you are involved in a high-risk occupation, it […]

Your New Year’s Resolution: Weight Loss with Physical Therapy!

A new year means time for new resolutions, and the goal at the top of most everyone’s list is getting back into shape. Here at Life Fitness Physical Therapy, our priorities are making sure that you are in perfect condition to take on your everyday challenges, whether it be walking to the grocery store or […]

Athletic Injury? Treat It with Physical Therapy

We’ve all had it happen to us: maybe we were running for the ball and there was a twinge in your ankle. Or maybe a teammate tackled you, and when you got up, your arm was sticking out at a funny angle. Once you go through the necessary steps of getting immediate treatment for your […]

Rough Day at the Office? Fix It with Physical Therapy!

As far as your physical health goes, a 9 to 5 job spent sitting at a desk all day is not exactly ideal. Sitting does not promote good circulation, range of motion, or flexibility, and all of these things are essential components to your well-being! Office workers may even find that they suffer from chronic […]
