People seek physical therapy for many reasons, from treatment for an injury to weight loss to treating other health issues. No matter why you need physical therapy, however, it is natural to wonder what exactly to expect on the day of your first physical therapy session. There is no need to be nervous or anxious about beginning physical therapy, and with Life Fitness’s handy introduction to physical therapy, you will have no reason to be!
Your First PT Session: Evaluation
In order to provide you with the best treatment possible, your physical therapist will want to tailor their methods to suit your own body and individual needs. Therefore, the main focus of your initial session will be the evaluation. Your physical therapist will discuss your medical history and the nature of your injury if applicable, determine the best course of treatment, and perform basic range of motion tests. They will also get to know the exact nature of your discomfort, as well as your goals for your overall health and wellness. By doing this, you will ensure that your physical therapy brings you the most benefits possible.
What do I Need to Bring to my First Physical Therapy Session?
As far as your own preparation, there are a few things that you will not want to leave behind going in to your first session. Remember to wear clothes that are comfortable to move and stretch in; basic workout clothes or sweatpants should work well for most. You will also want to make sure you have all of your basic identification with you: a driver’s license or phot ID, an insurance card, any referral slips from your primary physician, and any worker’s compensation claim information, if applicable. Getting all of these items organized the night before can help you relax before going to your appointment and beginning your path to physical health.
Life Fitness Physical Therapy in Columbia, MD and other Baltimore Physical Therapy locations are open for you to start and maintain a healthy fitness routine. Contact Life Fitness Physical Therapy to schedule your appointment by calling 410.368.1026 or click here today.
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