Improve your Range of Motion with Dundalk Physical Therapy

Life Fitness Physical Therapy Dundalk

Let’s face it: some of us are simply not as active as we could be. Due to the demands of our jobs and life outside of work, we often overlook the importance of regular exercises. But this can end up working against us: our bodies are designed to do certain types of work, and if they are not exercised properly, their functionality becomes more and more limited. So when it comes to taking care of yourself from head to toe, how can improving your range of motion with Dundalk physical therapy help? Read on to find out!

Range of Motion Exercises are an Important Part of Dundalk Physical Therapy

Range of motion refers specifically to the range of motion of your joints. Joints are designed to allow your body to carry out certain activities; if their motions are limited or restricted for any reason, you can experience chronic joint pain or discomfort. In physical therapy, you will be introduced to the different types of range of motion exercises, which are formulated to improve and maintain good joint health. You will also learn about the different types of flexibility.

Static Flexibility is tested when your physical therapist moves the bone at the joint, so that it moves passively as opposed to actively. Dynamic Flexibility is related to muscle contraction, when you actually move the bone at your joint yourself. While range of motion exercises can work to improve both, static flexibility is often checked to evaluate a joint for injury.

Injury is far more likely to occur when your flexibility and range of motion is lower. Straining a joint could lead to tearing a muscle, twisting a joint, or other related types of injuries. With physical therapy, you can safely improve your range of motion and clear the path for a healthier lifestyle!


Find the Life Fitness Physical Therapy location nearest you

Life Fitness Physical Therapy Dundalk and other Baltimore Physical Therapy locations are open for you to start and maintain a healthy fitness routine. Contact Life Fitness Physical Therapy to schedule your appointment by calling 410.284.5441 or click here today.

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