Athletic Injury? Treat It with Physical Therapy

We’ve all had it happen to us: maybe we were running for the ball and there was a twinge in your ankle. Or maybe a teammate tackled you, and when you got up, your arm was sticking out at a funny angle. Once you go through the necessary steps of getting immediate treatment for your athletic injury, physical therapy is a likely next step to get your body back into shape.

Sports medicine, and more specifically, sports physical therapy, is a specialized practice that focuses on treatment and rehabilitation of the physically active individual. We focus on performance enhancement to get an athlete as close to their pre-injury condition, if not better. Once the athletic injury occurs, our job is to help you continue your pursuits with minimal disruption and the way we do that is by evaluating your injury and establishing a treatment plan.

Many sports injuries are directly related to an area of weakness in the body – and that can come from overuse, extra strain, or too much pressure on a joint. Physical therapy helps because we can work with you to strengthen your muscles and joints through rehabilitation of an athletic injury, but also to take precautionary steps to not injure yourself again.

At the center of treatment and rehabilitation for athletic injuries is an understanding of your neuromusculoskeletal system, as well as your cardiovascular-pulmonary systems. When we evaluate an athletic injury, we intend to address strengths and weaknesses in an individual’s physical profile so we can match treatment to your specific athletic ability and activity. Our goal is to assist in helping you make a safe return to your athletic activity.

Our physical therapists at Life Fitness can work with you through the initial identification of your athletic injury all the way to the recovery process. We will create a customized plan to treat your injury and work with you throughout the healing process. Through sports medicine physical therapy, we’ll help manage your injury to get you up and running again so you can pick up where you left off, with the additional benefit of knowing how to practice your sport properly to avoid further injury.

To schedule an appointment and get your body back into a healthy fitness routine, give us a call today at 410-368-1026.

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